
My Brown Newfies Fun Page is an extension of our primary blog My Brown Newfies

If you have a suggestion for a product to be reviewed by My Brown Newfies or would like to sponsor a giveaway please contact me at

Most of My Brown Newfies giveaways and product reviews will be posted on our blog in a timely manner and posted to our Twitter and Facebook pages.

Please keep in mind that we are a dog blog and would like products and giveaways to be pet friendly.

**If My Brown Newfies does a product review for your product there is not a guarantee that it will be deemed "Newf Friendly" That is up to Sherman and Leroy.
**Please keep in mind when considering us to do a review on your product that Sherman and Leroy are Giant Breed Dogs,  and some products just aren't fir for a Newf.  If you have a product that you would like us to do a review on that is more geared towards small-medium breed dogs I also have a beagle named Plunger, that assists in some product reviews.

We occasionally  receive requests from advertisers about placing an ad on our blog. While we are humbled by these requests I feel the need to make it clear that we will only consider placing ads on our blog that are pet related. 

If you are interested in placing an advertisement on our page please feel free to contact